I am currently in a new project, provisional project name dots, which is about some organic stuff. It will be a short movie about 1,5 to 3 minutes. We have been filming all that stuff in the garden. Experimenting with lots of materials, like tint, oil, snow, hairs, aerosol spray and the most important: H20, formerly known as water.
The sound design will be self made and it is kinda hard to cut a video and then afterwards make the sounds. Generally, If I am cutting a video, the first step is to select a good sound and then cut the video, so that it just matches perfectly.
This time it is vice versa. I haven’t thought it would be this difficult.
Hopefully it is getting finished till the end of this week. I am looking forward to it.
1 comment
selina says:
Apr 11, 2012
deine seite ist echt cool <3
lieb dich mein hurts